
买球app获得了南方学院和学校委员会(SACSCOC)的认可,可以授予副学士学位. 买球app also may offer credentials such as certificates and 文凭s at approved degree levels. 关于买球app认证的问题可以写信给南方学院和学校委员会,地址是1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, GA 30033-4097, 请拨打(404)679-4500, 或使用SACSCOC网站(


  • 北卡罗来纳州社区学院委员会
  • 北卡罗来纳社区学院系统
  • 北卡罗来纳公共教育系
  • 职业康复科
  • 北卡罗来纳州护理委员会
  • 牙科辅助全国委员会
  • 人类服务教育标准委员会
  • 联合健康教育计划认证委员会


买球app strives to resolve student grievances and complaints in a equitable, 有序的, 以及不具威胁性的态度. 学生 have the right to lodge a complaint when they believe there has been a violation, 误解, 或者滥用学校现行政策. 这将包括所谓的基于种族的歧视, color, 信条, 国家的起源, 性, 年龄, 性取向, 残疾, 或者其他个人特征. Complaints concerning grades shall be resolved following the Grade Contesting Policy as outlined in the college catalog. 有关出勤政策和纯粹学术性质的投诉应由教学副校长办公室裁决. 有关住宿分类的投诉,由学生服务副校长在校级作出裁决. 涉及性骚扰指控的投诉, 由于此类投诉的敏感性, should be presented to the Vice President of Student 服务 who will then refer the complaint to the appropriate supervisor. 对于所有其他问题-

1. 非正式解决:在诉诸正式程序之前,学生应该首先与相关个人非正式地解决问题和问题. 学生应尽一切努力解决任何问题,因为他们出现.

2. 正式解决:如果投诉没有得到解决, 学生可以向学生服务副校长提交书面申诉,学生服务副校长将把申诉转交给相应的主管。. 的 grievance should be submitted within 5 business days of the attempt at informal resolution. 副总裁或其指定人员将在5个工作日内进行调查.

3. Formal Resolution: A student who disagrees with the Vice President’s decision may appeal the decision to the President of the College. This request must be submitted in writing to the President within 5 business days after the Vice President’s decision. 的 President will conduct an investigation and render a decision within 10 business days. 的 President’s decision is final on all student grievance appeals except in cases of 性ual harassment or discrimination. 在这些情况下, 学生可以选择继续上诉,在总统做出决定后的5个工作日内向董事会主席提交书面请求. 主席将任命一个由3名受托人组成的特别委员会进行调查,并在10个工作日内向全体董事会提出建议. 校长将执行董事会的建议.

如果投诉不能解决后,用尽了学院的申诉程序, 该个人可向牌照署署长提出投诉, UNC系统办公室, 223 S. West Street, Suite 1800; Raleigh NC 27603; Phone 919-962-4550; Fax 919-962-7139.


买球app希望解决学生的不满, 投诉和关心在一个迅速, 公平友好的态度. 学生 residing outside of the State of North Carolina while attending MCC who desire to resolve a grievance should follow the College’s 学生申诉程序 如学生手册所述. However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, you may file a complaint with your home State. 的 个别州的学生申诉联系信息 提供电话号码,电子邮件和/或链接到国家教育机构.

买球app是由南方学院和学校协会学院委员会认可的,可以授予副学士学位, 文凭和证书. 联络南巷1866号大学委员会, 迪凯特, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of 买球app.

可出于下列原因与委员会联系.),了解买球app的认证情况.) to file a third party comment at the time of the 买球app decennial review, 3.) to file a complaint against 买球app for significant non-compliance with a standard or requirement. 点击这里 浏览投诉政策及表格.

关于买球app的正常询问, 比如入学要求, 金融援助, 教育项目, 等., should be addressed directly to 买球app and not to the Commission on Colleges.


买球app力求完全遵守1973年《买球app》第504条和《买球app》. 学院完全致力于制作节目, 课程, and services available to all citizens as well as maintaining confidentiality regarding all information and services provided. If students have a special need that may affect academic performance and wish to seek accommodations, 学生有责任在注册前至少一个月通知MCC辅导员,以便考虑批准申请.

确定获得服务的资格, documentation of the 残疾 may be required of all students requesting academic adjustments or auxiliary aids. 文件可能包括医疗结果, 心理, 或者情绪诊断测试, 或其他专业人员评估验证是否需要调整或辅助. 在可能的情况下,世纪挑战集团将寻求外部机构的援助.e.、职业康复科及其他机构).

为有特殊需要的学生提供适当的测试住宿. 有学习障碍的学生必须提供文件,并在批准住宿请求之前对文件进行评估. 申请心理咨询, 医疗, 和其他相关的专业评估可以从MCC辅导员那里获得.


有关课程学生的个人信息的发布是在学生服务副总裁的一般监督下进行的. 保障每个学生的福利, personal information is given only to authorized individuals as specified in the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. 的 Act provides many safeguards regarding the confidentiality of and access to student records. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅MCC学生手册.

1. 学生 may review their educational records by making a written request to the Registrar.
2. Student records will not be reviewed by third parties unless permission is obtained in writing from the student. Exceptions may be made for instructors and administrators if the information is for educational purposes. Exceptions may also be made for parents who claim the students as dependents and for auditing or accrediting organizations. 的 Vice President of Student 服务 will make the final decision concerning access to records.
3. Official transcripts will be issued only when a written request is received from the student. 高中或其他大学的成绩单将不予公布.
4. MCC does not publish or distribute any personally identifiable information unless mandated by legislative action.


A transfer student is one who has attended another college or university prior to enrolling at MCC. MCC将考虑对在其他学院或大学完成的课程给予转学分,这些学院或大学是由负责对大学学位授予机构进行认证的组织认可的. 的 accrediting organization must be one that is housed in a regional or national accrediting 年龄ncy. 为获得可能的转学分而提交的课程必须在content和content上相同, 在大多数情况下, 学分, 或必须被确定为MCC课程的适当替代课程.

希望从其他认可的高等教育机构转移学分的申请人必须在进行评估之前要求显示所获得学分的正式成绩单. 只有成绩达到“C”或以上的课程才会被考虑转学分. 北卡罗莱纳州社区大学的发展性数学(DMA)和发展性阅读/英语(DRE)学分将被考虑转学,成绩为“P”.” Decisions about the awarding of transfer credits are discretionary on the part of the college. MCC applies principles recommended by higher education accrediting organizations that focus on the level, content, 质量, 课程的可比性及其与MCC学生学习计划的相关性.

超过十年的课程学分必须由学生服务副总裁批准,他可以咨询该学科领域的教师,以确定content与MCC学生学习计划的当前要求的等效性. Some 课程 with a technical or skill content have a five-year time limitation on the acceptance of transfer credit; MCC program heads determine the specific 课程 in this category. 的 time limitations include credits earned at MCC as well as credits earned at other post-secondary institutions. 如果学生希望对基于课程年龄而拒绝转学分的决定提出上诉,可能会被要求完成能力考试, 在适当和可行的情况下, 获得课程学分.

牙科辅助服务, 医疗协助, 实习护理学生, 解剖学和生理学(BIO)学分必须在注册该课程之前的最后三年内完成,才能被视为学分. 专为牙科辅助及实用护理学生而设, 同样的三年时间限制也适用于主修课程(DEN或NUR)。.

学院保留接受或拒绝在其他机构获得的学分的权利,或者在授予学分之前要求通过学分审查程序成功完成适当的熟练程度. 的 final decision on transfer credit is determined by the Vice President of Student 服务.

Transfer credit does not factor into a student’s curriculum Grade Point Aver年龄 (GPA) calculation. 学生毕业时的平均成绩, 荣誉, 继续注册的计算只基于在MCC学习的课程. 至少完成学位所需学时的25%, 文凭, or certificate from 买球app must be completed at the College; no more than 75% of those hours may be transferred in from other institutions.


学生 who have military experience may be eligible to receive transfer credit for training completed while in the service. 对学分进行评估, 学生必须申请MCC的正式联合服务成绩单(JST). MCC grants credit where applicable in accordance with recommendations provided by the American Council on Education (ACE). 的 credit recommended must be consistent with the requirements of the student’s program of study at MCC in order to be granted. 学分的可转移性由学院决定.


In an effort to simplify and facilitate transfer of credit between community colleges and the University of North Carolina System, 大学理事会和北卡罗来纳社区学院系统已经制定并批准了一项全面衔接协议(CAA)。. 本协议涉及北卡罗来纳社区学院系统机构之间的学生转学,以及从该系统到北卡罗来纳大学组成机构的学生转学. 的 CAA applies to all North Carolina community colleges and all constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina System. CAA的课程在学院目录的课程描述部分中有详细说明. 学生的成绩必须达到C或更高,才能作为CAA的一部分转到其他课程.

与其他公营及私营机构订立的衔接协议: 许多私立学院和大学也接受转学分课程,并有自己的方法来评估转学分的适当性. 接收机构是转移学分的最终权力机构. 建议学生向高级院校的学术指导主任和买球app办公室咨询更多信息.